Sunday we had the Ducks and Bantams out in the back garden, when the time came to put them back in the front garden they decided they didn't want to go.
Rosie chased them and that was it, straight in to the Garage, Argh, they were every where, suddenly 5 ducks seemed to turn in to 20 ducks. Managed to grab one, while Rosie ushered one in to the front garden, two dived through the open back door, and ran into the living room. One on the coffee table one in the cats food bowl. Managed to get them out and in to the garden. So 4 ducks, 3 bantams in the front garden, 1 duck and 2 Bantams in the back garden. Last duck, 3 poeple to catch it, He was in the house, under the car and finally in the background.