Saturday we decided to finally visit Cannon Hall Opne Farm.
They have a nice selection of Poultry, sadly didn't seem to be kept very well, nest boxes not being emptied often if at all. One Trio we saw had 15 eggs that we could see, anouth Trio had 14, the eggs were not on nests just scattered around the nest boxes.
The ducks a pair on Indian Runner had no water other than a drinker, I know ducks don't have to have a pond but they are happier with one. The 4 Baby runner ducks were lovely. especially the grey one that was catching flies.
The Guinea Fowl had all escaped from their pen and were wandering around, the pen that claimed to hold Peacocks actually had Turkeys and several people thought they were peacocks.
I also think they need to learn to Sex their Rabbits and Guinea Pigs as there was hundreds of them, and no sign that they were rehomeing any.
Loads of pigs and piglets, rather sad to see one litter with no mother, and surprised that they allowed the piglets to be strocked, even the week old ones.
Loads of goats too, pygmys, nubians and several heavily pregnant ones, Rosie especially loved being able to feel the kid move in the pregnant pygmys tummy.
The girls feel in love with the miniature donkeys.
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