Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Missing Goat

Today will out in thegarden trying to repair orur lawn, I was busy while Henry was playing. After a while Henry went in to do some work. a little while later I realised that I was a goat missing, I searched High and Low and couldn't find it., strange I thought as our garden has no gate. The doors were all closed ao it couldn't have wondered into the Garage.

So I go inside to look out of an upstairs window hoping to get a better view, and there in the living room is a goat, sat down chewing the cud and watching Bargain Hunt. Can you believe he had walked into the Laundry, then the Conservatory and then plonked himself down in front of the TV. Seems Henry had left the backdoor open while in thetoilet and only closed it when he had finished, but he must have walked past the gaot and not noticed.

KIDS Goat and Human,

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