Friday, October 12, 2007

And then it was gone

Last night when it was time to make sure the birds were all locked up, my youngest daughter could not find one of the birds (named angel), the three older kids spent ages searching for her, they checked bushed and trees in case she had gone broody or decidd to roost some where strange. In the end I told them to come in it was dark, and so they were not going to find her.

This morning the birds were all let out, still she was missing. Secretly I thought maybe we had had a fox visit.

This afternoon I go out to the garden and have a search, no sign, till I decided to turn over an upside down bucket, as soon as I did out popped a rather scruffy damp looking hen with a bit of cramp, she is now swalking round the garden trying to strch her aching legs and wings. Stupid Chicken


simon said...

Caroline do you still need a cable drum. I met someone in the pub last week who was wanting to know what to do with her old cable drums. Drop me a line if you want one still.

the_good_life said...

Thanks for the offer, what I hadn't thought about was getting it in to the back garden.